Ingen tiltak kreves for Easee Home og Charge


Ingen tiltak kreves for Easee Home og Charge
Elsäkerhetsverket har utstedt en beslutning om at ingen umiddelbare tiltak er nødvendige for allerede installerte Easee Home og Easee Charge ladestasjoner, ettersom risikoen for alvorlige feil er lav. Det oppfordres likevel til rapportering av eventuelle feil. Et salgsforbud fra mars 2023 fortsetter å gjelde for disse modellene på grunn av tekniske og dokumentasjonsmangler. Easee har tre uker til å anke beslutningen og to måneder til å levere en feilprognose, med en oppfølgingsrapport om feilutfallet innen ti månader for å sikre produktets sikkerhet over tid.

Vanntett? Vannbestandig? Hva er forskjellen? - IP-klassifisering - Ladeguiden


IP-klassifisering - Ingress protection
Hva vil det sil at en ladekabel er vannbestandig? Er en ladekabel vanntett? Produsenter bruker klassifiserer vanninntrengingen basert på en internasjonal standard, ofte forkortet IP (Ingress Protection).

Everything you need to know about charging cables - The charging guide


Alt du trenger å vite om ladekabler - Ladeguiden
Our charging guide answers many questions when you get your first electric car or plug-in hybrid. We have collected the most common questions related to charging cables. If you have other questions related to charging cables, just contact us via chat, e-mail or by phone.

Update on Grants / Support for Charging Infrastructure in Oslo


Oppdatering på tilskudd / støtte for ladeanlegg i Oslo
Oslo Municipality has recently made changes (January 2024) to its subsidy schemes. Housing cooperatives and condominiums in Oslo can now receive grants for upgrading/establishing charging infrastructure. Remember that the support for upgrading or establishing charging infrastructure can change at short notice or immediately by the Oslo Municipality.

Get NOK 10,000 back from ENOVA when you buy the smart home system Power Control 2.0


Få 10 000 kr tilbake fra ENOVA ved kjøp av smarthjem systemet Strømkontroll 2.0
During the last 12 months, have you installed a charging box from Easee (Home or Lite) or Zaptec GO? Then you have the opportunity to get 35% (up to NOK 10,000) back of the total cost. By investing in the smart home system Power Control 2.0 from Futurehome, you meet the requirement from the ENOVA requirement for smart energy and climate measures.

Support for Electric Vehicle Charging in Housing Cooperatives and Condominiums - Stavanger Municipality


Tilskudd / støtte til infrastruktur til ladeanlegg - Stavanger kommune - Elbilgrossisten
Did you know that housing cooperatives and condominiums in Stavanger Municipality can receive grants for the upgrading/establishment of charging infrastructure? Remember that you can apply for support to upgrade or establish charging infrastructure, making it easier to charge at home. The purpose is to encourage safe and easy home charging for electric and hybrid vehicles. The grant/support is a maximum of 150,000 NOK of approved investment costs (infrastructure costs), limited to a maximum of 10,000 NOK per charging point.

Grants for Charging Infrastructure in Housing Companies - Trondheim Municipality


Tilskudd / støtte til infrastruktur til ladeanlegg - Trondheim kommune - Elbilgrossisten
Did you know that housing cooperatives and condominiums in Trondheim Municipality can receive grants for the upgrading/establishment of charging infrastructure? Remember that you can apply for support to upgrade or establish charging infrastructure, making it easier to charge at home. The purpose is to encourage safe and easy home charging for electric and hybrid vehicles. The grant/support is a maximum of 20% of approved investment costs (infrastructure costs) and is limited to a maximum of 5,000 NOK per charging point.

Grants / support for charging facilities for housing associations and condominiums in Bergen municipality


Arendalsgata 14 - Ladeanlegg- Systemlading - Borettslag - Sameie - Elbilgrossisten

Did you know that housing associations and condominiums in Bergen municipality can receive grants for upgrading/establishing charging infrastructure? Remember that you can apply for support to upgrade or establish charging infrastructure so that it becomes easier to charge at home. The grants / support is a maximum of 20% of approved investment costs (infrastructure costs), and limited to NOK 5,000 per charging point (maximum NOK 200,000). Application deadline You can apply all year round. We process incoming applications on an ongoing basis. Processing time Expected processing time is 3 weeks from the submitted application. Validity period A commitment to an...

Vinn en Easee Charge Lite + standard installasjon


Vinn en Easee Charge Lite + standard installasjon

VINN en Easee Charge Lite ladestasjon og standard installasjon. Alt du trenger å gjøre for å bli med i trekningen er å melde deg på nyhetsbrevet og kommentere hvilken farge du har på bilen din :-)


Subsidy for charging infrastructure in condominiums and housing associations — Viken county municipality


Tilskudd til ladeinfrastruktur i sameier og borettslag — Viken fylkeskommune

Viken County Council has established a support scheme for charging infrastructure in condominiums and housing associations. There is an ongoing application deadline.

The grant scheme is one of the measures to strengthen business and social life in Viken as a result of the corona crisis.

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